Garden Plans > 2020: Victory Garden

About this Garden Plan

Raised sqf garden. Looking to create a garden with the kids. This is what I plan on thus far. Please make some recommendations for moving plants, filling gaps, trellis recommendations, pairing and anything else. Not into decorative plants but prefer all edible if feasible. Thanks!

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: South Shore, Boston Ma
Garden Size: 29' 11" x 29' 11"
Garden Type: Home garden
Garden Layout: Square Foot Garden
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: -

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberPlants per Square FootNotes
Agastache 41 
Allium (Ornamental) 564 
Artichoke (Globe) 41 
Asparagus 81 
Basil 84 
Beans (Bush Snap) 729 
Beans (Pole) 968 
Beet 369 
Blueberry 10 
Broccoli 121 
Brussels Sprouts 41 
Cabbage (Fall) 61 
Cantaloupe 10 
Carrot 6416 
Celery 84 
Chives 3216 
Chives (Garlic) 189 
Cilantro 21 
Corn 564 
Cucumber 82 
Echinacea 84 
Edamame 1089 
Garlic 189 
Gourd 10 
Iris 21 
Kale 41 
Lavender 41 
Lettuce (Crisphead) 324 
Marigold 164 
Muscari 6416 
Nasturtium 84 
Okra 41 
Onion 164 
Oregano 21 
Peas 328 
Pepper 81 
Phlox (Annual) 84 
Potatoes (Early) 41 
Potatoes (Maincrop) 41 
Pumpkin 20 
Rosemary 21 
Spinach (New Zealand) 81 
Squash (Summer) 81 
Squash (Winter) 20 
Strawberry 404 
Sunflower 61 
Sweet Potato 81 
Tansy 10 
Tarragon 21 
Thyme 21 
Tomato (Large) 81 
Tomato (Small) 81 
Watermelon 20 
Zucchini 41 

Planting Times

Plant List key